Object Tracking (Draft)

4 minute read


Object tracking은 비디오나 이미지에서 특정 객체를 식별하고 그 객체가 프레임 간에 어떻게 이동하는지 추적하는 컴퓨터 비전 기술. 이 기술은 주로 컴퓨터 비전, 영상처리 및 기계 학습 분야에서 사용되며 여러 응용 분야에서 활용.

Object tracking은 주로 다음과 같은 목적으로 사용:

  • 동영상 감시 및 보안: CCTV 카메라로부터 수집된 영상에서 특정 객체(예: 사람, 차량)를 추적하여 경계 침입 또는 이상 행동을 감지합니다.
  • 자동 운행 차량 (Autonomous Vehicles): 자율 주행 차량에서 주변 환경의 객체를 식별하고 추적하여 안전한 운행을 지원합니다.
  • 로봇의 시각적 지각: 로봇이 주변 환경에서 객체를 식별하고 추적하여 작업을 수행하거나 상호 작용할 수 있도록 합니다.
  • 컴퓨터 비전 기반의 상호작용: 게임, 가상 현실 및 증강 현실과 같은 응용 분야에서 특정 객체나 움직이는 물체를 식별하여 상호작용을 제공합니다.

  • Simple approach for tracking: object detection at each frame.
  • However, we can also use temporal information.
  • We can construct solutions based on a detector.
  • To solve the problem, we need to assoaciate the same object between consecutive frames.
  • Many methods model the object dynamics, so they can predict its position in the next frame.

Types of tracking problem

  • moving camera?
  • single or multiple cameras?
  • single or multiple objects?
  • major objects or all objects?
  • similar or distinct objects?
  • occlusion?
  • crossing?
  • online or offline?
  • initial object marking?

Tracking Classification

Single Object Tracking (SOT):

  • tracking of a single object.
  • It can contain the information of the object being present or not.
  • It can consider the presence of false positives. Example: ball in robot soccer.

Multi Object Tracking (MOT):

  • tracking of multiple objects (including objects of the same type).

Online Tracking vs. Offline Tracking

  • Online Tracking: Estimate current state given current and past observations
  • Offline Tracking: Estimate all states given all observations (batch mode)
  • As we consider self-driving, we will focus on online tracking in this lecture

Elements of Tracking

  • Detection: Where are candidate objects in each frame? (“tracking-by-detection”)
  • Association: Which detection corresponds to which object?
  • Filtering: What is the most likely object state, e.g., location and size? (Detections are noisy ⇒ exploit probabilistic observation/motion models)


frequency domain approach

In general, for online tracking, the most popular filters are stochastic filters, which are based on the so-called Bayes filter.

Beyond filtering the signal, the Bayes filter considers a dynamics, so it can predict the position in the next instant and mitigate delay.

Bayesian Filtering

Idea: integrate motion and observation.

Kalman Filter

Specialization of the Bayes filter.


In self-driving, we typically have to track multiple objects at the same time How can we associate detections in a new frame to existing object tracks?


  1. Predict objects from previous frame and detect objects in current frame
  2. Associate detections to object tracks (initiate/delete tracks if necessary)
  3. Correct predictions with observations (e.g., Kalman Filter)

When do observations in consecutive frames belong together?

  • Predict bounding box (via motion model) and measure overlap
  • Compare color histograms or normalized cross-correlation
  • Estimate optical flow and measure agreement
  • Compare relative location and size of bounding box
  • Compare orientation of detected objects

Simple Online Realtime Tracking (SORT)

  • Very popular approach for object tracking.
  • Faster R-CNN as the object detector.
  • MOT based on the Kalman filter.
  • A filter for each object being tracked (tracklet).
  • Association based on the Hungarian algorithm.
  • Heuristics to create and remove objects being tracked.
  • Separates detection and tracking.
  • Requires training only the object detector!
  • Very easy to adapt to other object detectors, because the tracking part doesn’t change.
  • Potentially, there is loss of performance by not considering detection and tracking as a single problem.

[Beley et al., 2017, Simple Online and Realtime Tracking]


[Wojke et al., 2017, Simple Online and Realtime Tracking with a Deep Association Metric]


We can adopt metrics for object detection, such as mAP, accuracy, precision etc. However, tracking has its own challenges.

  • HOTA(Higher Order Tracking Accuracy)
  • MOTA(Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy)
  • MOTP(Multiple Object Tracking Precision)
  • IDF1(Identification F1 Score)
  • MT
    • number of tracked trajectories during most of the time. We consider trajectories that were tracked for at least 80% of its time of existence.
  • ML
    • number of lost trajectories during most of the time. We consider trajectories that were not tracked for at least 20% of its time of existence.
  • FP
    • number of false positives.
  • FN
    • number of false negatives.
  • IDSW
    • number of incorrect id switches.
  • Frag
    • number of fragmentations (when a tracking is incorrectly interrupted).


  • For Bayes filter and Kalman filter: Probabilistic Robotics.
  • SORT and DeepSORT papers:
    • Beley et al., 2017, Simple Online and Realtime Tracking.
    • Wojke et al., 2017, Simple Online and Realtime Tracking with a Deep Association Metric.
  • Metrics for MOT
    • Milan et al., 2016, A Benchmark for Multi-Object Tracking.
  • Deep learning in video multi-object tracking: A survey
    • Gioele Ciaparrone, Francisco Luque Sánchez, Siham Tabik, Luigi Troiano, Roberto Tagliaferri, Francisco Herrer Neurocomputing 381 (2020) 61–88

CV3DST - Object tracking CV3DST - Multi-object tracking

Aula 8 - Object Tracking - CM203

Object Tracking

Object tracking metric 설명

L11 - Object Tracking - Lecture: Self-Driving Cars

Bastian Leibe (RWTH Aachen): Computer Vision 2

Laura Leal-Taixe (TUM): Computer Vision 3: Detection, Segmentation, Trackinǵ

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